I always get my sin - Maarten H. Rijkens "Hello, how do you do? And how do you do your wife?", a Dutchman politely asks his English business partner.

Englishman: "What do you do?"
Dutchman: "I fock horses." the Dutch word "fok(ken)" translates to "breed")

"Why is he too late?
He had it not standing in his diarrhoea" (that should've been "diary", how unfortunate indeed..)
"But he is underway."

"I have not fallen on my behind head!"
"There is nothing on the hand."

"All madness on a small stick" though, you know what really bugs me? There are some examples in this hilarious, yet way too short - and probably only funny to the Dutch - book, in which I simply can't detect the error? :-o
For example, "It speaks volumes.".. Is there something wrong with that sentence? Because I know I've used it on more than one occasion.

Also, this helpful list scares the shit out of me, haha!