Evenfall (In the Company of Shadows, #1) - Santino Hassell,  Ais Before jotting down my thoughts, I’d like to post a picture that pretty much captures my current state of mind.


I was either going to address all my issues in painstaking detail (and this would become an essay) or summarize. I opted for the latter. So after careful consideration of several factors (for example: the tireless effort that obviously went into this 1400-something pages book, the mellowing effect that its m/m-ness and freeness have on me, this thriving, happily fangasming Goodreads community that followed my progress and supported -- and threatened -- me every step of the long, long way) I came to the conclusion that Evenfall deserves 3 stars after all.

• It being a good 600 pages too long
• The extremely limited vocabulary (thousands of references to how everyone’s "irritated", has honey-colored or green eyes, lifts eyebrows etc., that I always think should be less obvious to me, considering that English isn't my native language), the stilted, static writing style (he had to admit that, he couldn’t help thinking that (x1000)).
• The continuous, repetitive internal dialog and analysis (see point 1).
• The major plot-holes and artificial plot-devices and stupid shizzle, that didn't make sense. Even after I tried to adjust my expectations and view this as uncomplicated pulp instead, it still managed to drive me bug-fuck.
• The simplistic, pointless missions that didn't make sense in so many ways (see point 4) and were wrapped up so conveniently.
• The lack of character development and interesting dynamics between the two MC's (surprising because of point 1 and 3).
• The one-dimensional, mostly "irritated" side characters.
• This bizarrely unbelievable clusterfuck of an organization called 'The Agency' (point 4 and 5).
• Having to necessarily perfect my skimming skills.
• And last but not least, getting behind on my freaking Reading Challenge.:p

What I did like:
• The delicious hype surrounding this series.
• The Emo cover kicks ass.
• Mexico AKA the sex. It seemed like the writing momentarily picked up during the sex scenes. Or maybe I was just too excited to finally come across something else than bitch-mom's from hell, lethal wounds that heal miraculously and without consequences because it's Da Sin, dude...Boyd's whining... Anyway, I thought the sex scenes were pretty good and for a change there were no 1..2..3 fingers involved, thank you jesus! Maybe this is just a sign that I'm now an advanced m/m reader, but man, am I getting fed up with fingers aimlessly attempting to loosen up a muscle that just needs a good...well, let's not start talking dirty. So I told my buddy read partner in crime, Day-thief, delightedly that I had finally found something that I did really enjoy about Evenfall. She then brought up a few points that were reason enough for me to reread the sex scenes (hehe! >:-)). And I still liked them, but have to admit that, as is the case with the entire book, they could've been turned into something more, more intense, more brilliant.
• The pictures of Hsin and Boyd Lenore showed me. To which I'd like to add a coincidental Tumblr find:


In the end it turns out that I'm one of those people who stay in a relationship just because the sex is good. So I'll be reading on. Just not right away.

And finally, it's so comforting to buddy read a hyped book and end up feeling pretty much the same. Thank you Day-thief.<3